Top 10k strings from Lightning Simulator (1988)(Silverbird Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   3 0XX00000000G
   2 ~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w
   2 ^#V#N#F*8a
   2 ^#V###N#F!
   2 FF2       
   2 FF1       
   2 000000000000000000
   2 0000000000
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   1 ~/w+~/w+~/w*
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   1 z/Wy/Ox/G|
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   1 wind:direction
   1 w#w#s#r#w#w#q#p
   1 w#w##q$w%%w$#p#w#w.ow.
   1 w#s#r#w#w#q#p#w*4
   1 w#s#r#w#q#p
   1 w#s#r#6*#q#p
   1 visibility
   1 undercarriage up
   1 too much roll
   1 too fast on ground
   1 time:hours
   1 targets hit by enemy:
   1 speed-limit exceeded
   1 shot down by enemy fighter
   1 s##r####q##p
   1 ran off runway
   1 o~#^#V#N#F
   1 o&a^#V#~#fo
   1 o"8ahD+":a
   1 ls        e
   1 li        g
   1 g-limit exceeded
   1 g"pa:'a!va
   1 enemy aircraft shot down:
   1 descent too steep
   1 collision with aircraft
   1 clouds:top
   1 \^`bdf]_aceg\^`bdf]_aceg`fag`fag
   1 WIND:        kts
   1 Sua^#V#N#F
   1 Rw$w$w$w$w
   1 RWY           ft
   1 Keflavik        Stornoway       Lakenheath      Coningsby       Middleton St.G. Cottesmore      Abingdon        Church Fenton   Odiham          Waddington      Valley          Finningley      Leeming         St.Athan        Chivenor        Wyton           Manston         Brize Norton    Culdrose        Marham          Boscombe Down   Bentwaters      St.Mawgan       Bedford         Brawdy          Kemble          Wattisham       Coltishall      Binbrook        Leconfield      Leuchars        Lossiemouth     Wildenrath      Gutersloh       Eggebek         Memmingen       Schleswig       Neuburg         Wittmundhafen   Soesterberg     Leeuwarden      Dijon           Tengah          Port Blair      Khormaksar      Luqa            Sigonella       Darwin          Akrotiri        Alicante        Almeria         Andravida       Aviano          Beauvechain     Bitburg         Bodo            Brindisi        Cambrai         Decimomannu     Florennes       Karup           Khamis Mushait  Rimini          Rygge         
   1 G0000XXX0000  00  GG000000000000000000XX0000  00  G
   1 G0000XXX0000  00  
   1 DM*pas#r#q#p#"pa
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 @o^#V#N#fi
   1 @,@h@l@(@*
   1 > w#w#w#w#w
   1 =Gy/Oz/W{/_|/g}/o"
   1 ;"Lightning Introduction"
   1 ;"Lightning  Simulator"
   1 : radio beacon,giving distance    and direction (max.960nm)                   see N2 POSITIONS                                change mode by K                                                change no. by: 7/SSHIFT, -1                    8/SSHIFT, +1                    9/SSHIFT,+10                                                                                                                                                    see instrument aa                                                                                              ->        NAVIGATION,MAP        2                                 
   1 : radio beacon at runways,        gives distance and direction    to runway (max.160nm)                          see AIRFIELDS                                
   1 : brake chute                     air brakes                      flaps                           ALT1 or ALT2                    VSI1 or VSI2                    N1/2                            eng1 or eng2           (if T flashes,switch off        overheated engine by A* or S*)                                      P/SSHIFT - dump fuel            V        - FT flash off  ->        REMARKS               3                                 
   1 : available from 6nm at all       stations with bright runway      direction numbers,                         see AIRFIELDS                   see INSTRUMENTS                                     descent at 155kts,11ft/s                                       4/SSHIFT--on/off                                                                                                                                                                            
   1 : available at                     night only                                         5/SSHIFT--on/off                                                                                                                                          ->        LANDING               3                                 
   1 : Y -  map on/off                 3 -  moves to a/c position      4 -  moves to own position      5 -  moves map to west          6 -  moves map to south         7 -  moves map to north         8 -  moves map to east          9 -  moves to N1 position       0 -  fixes new rendezvous               position for T or F legend:                                                             .    - airfield                 .29  - airfield with N1         x    - landmark                 x08  - N2 radio beacon          >    - own position             >1   - a/c position                                         position and available aircraft are printed on map,bottom right                                        REFUELLING            1                                 
   1 : 4 lights on both sides           of duty runway                                                 descent at 155kts,11ft/s                                      6/SSHIFT--on/off                                                                                 __       too high                                          .    __    .  slightly high                                     . .  __  . .  on glidepath                                      ...  __  ...  slightly low                                      .... __ ....  too low                                                                                                                                                                                   ENGINES               1                                     
   1 :    (MIG-23 only)                                2 Apex + 2 Aphid AAM                                            (lock-on warning of 2 seconds is given by a light in the centre  of the artificial horizon)                                     1 23mm gun,range 1000-3000ft                                    (1.3 seconds of fire are                      needed for a kill)                                                                
   1 :     photo no.  profile                                Lightning     01-02       F  H  Mirage        03          F  H  Starfighter   04          F  H  Tornado       05          FB H  F-111         06           B H  Vulcan        07-08        BTH  Victor        09            TH  SR-71         10-14          H  MIG-23        15-26       E     Backfire      27-32        X                                            PROFILES              1                                 4 aircraft (a/c) are available, their flying profile depends on the mission choosen in OPTIONS. The nearest a/c is drawn only,  its no. and profile is indicatedon instrument 15.                                               
   1 :                       tanker on stand-by: T                    in flight: time     ->        PROFILES              2                                 
   1 :                               press: 9 <--> 0                         O <--> P                         L <--> ENTER ->        REMARKS               2                                 
   1 :                                     top speed: 1300kts at 41000ft   thrust: 2*11100lb cold power            2*16300lb with reheat   ceiling: 60000ft +              fuel: 10600lb (+ 4300lb)        range: 600nm   (700nm)          armament: 2 Red Top missiles              2 30mm Aden guns                                                                      
   1 :                                            key:  3- L,level (instrument 15)         C,climb                         D,descent               (current aircraft T or F only)         REMARKS               1                                 nm  = nautical mile = 1.15 mileskts = knots = nm per hour       a/c = aircraft 1,2,3 or 4       u/c = undercarriage                                             --------------------------------
   1 :                                             select aircraft on a/c indicator                                keys: T- select a/c no.               5- normal profile:T,F,H,B       6- active        :A             7- straight      :S             8- circle        :C                                        (click confirming new profile)                                 S -- aircraft flying straight   C -- aircraft flying N,E,S,W    L -- aircraft low on fuel                                       
   1 :                                                   F -- fighter,                         flying to rendezvous point A,active,air-to-air combat                                     T -- tanker,                          flying to rendezvous point A,active,in-flight refuelling                                  H -- bomber,                          intruding at high level    A,active,takes evasive action                                  B -- bomber,                          intruding at low level     A,active,takes evasive action                                  X -- intruding Backfire bomber                                  E -- MIG-23,acting as escort                                  ->        INSTRUMENTS           6                                 bb - a/c indicator                                                     direction-  000-          a/c no.,profile-  1/ D  -mode D        distance-  000-                                                  heading-  000-          a/c no.,profile-  1/ S  -mode S   speed(*
   1 :                                                   2 Red Top AAM,range 4000-8000ft                                  aim at the target,lock-on after 1.5 seconds                                                    2 30mm guns,range 1000-2000ft                                    300 rounds,giving 7.5 seconds,  1.3 seconds needed to destroy   enemy fighter,2.3 for bomber    (live armament in mission 5,6)                                 R/SSHIFT--reset camera counter  C/SSHIFT--auto-release on/off   V/SSHIFT--gunsight on/off                 (u/c up only)                C--select guns/missiles     BREAK--release weapons                 (also triggers camera)                              ->        OPTIONS               1                                 
   1 :                                                   / -- no aircraft                T -- tanker                     F -- fighter                    H -- high flying intruder       B -- bomber,flying at low level X -- enemy bomber (Backfire)    E -- escort fighter (MIG-23)                                   The same code letters are used  to indicate available a/c on map
   1 :                                                      press O/SSHIFT at 0kts,idle rpm (all systems are checked          after refuelling is completed)                                
   1 :                                                      as tanker is ready,R is printed  at top right of instruments                   see instrument 08                                (try user 2 for correct link-up)                                 little pitch and yaw changes:                                    hold G and press U,N   (pitch)  hold G and press W,I   (yaw)                                   link-up speed: 441-443kts       after link-up: press O/SSHIFT   at refuelling: maintain speed    and height by increasing power     and pitch from time to time                                (fuelweight increases at                   a rate of 2000lb/min)                                        ARMAMENT              1                                 
   1 :                                                      88 airfields are available for  take-off,23 for landing only,    for listing see AIRFIELDS:        N = N1 number                   d = direction of runway         
   1 :                                                      1 - move map to rendezvous point2 - select tanker (3 or 4)         on a/c indicator (press T)   3 - fix new rendezvous point by    pressing 0 (click confirmes) 4 - switch off map by Y                             see PROFILES5 - the selected tanker will now   move to rendezvous,profile T 6 - activate tanker as requested   by pressing 6,now profile A  7 - tanker prepares for link up    now,above 4000ft,at 440kts                                 ->        REFUELLING            2                                 
   1 :                                                         max speed: on ground,240kts;     flaps and gear down,280kts;     with brake chute,190kts;        with ferry tanks,0.99mach      g-limit: 9g,                             5g with ferry tanks                                    
   1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888OOO88888888OOO88888888888
   1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 6`$6`*ta:wa
   1 0XX00000000GG00000000
   1 000000000000000000XX0000  00  G
   1 0 8 @"H"P$X$`&h&p(x(
   1 +~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w%~/w
   1 +~/w$~/w$~/w$~/w$~/w$~/w$~/w$~/w}
   1 +-.019IQUV
   1 *xa:za_:|aW
   1 *Ta|/g}/o#"Ta*\a|/g}/o#"\a*da|/g}/o#"da
   1 *&a" a*Xa"<a*Za">a!
   1 'q!"a^#V#N
   1 %&mz^#Vo$~
   1 ##^#V###N#F#
   1 "~ag.@"ua>
   1 "xa"|a"sa!@
   1 !Ha^#V#N#F#
   1 !"$%'(*+-.0124578:;<>?@BCDFGHJKLNOPQRTUVWXY[\]^_`abcdefghijjklmnoopqrrsttuvvwwxyyzzz{{||}}}~~~~
   1  = on approach               /// = ILS not available  ->        INSTRUMENTS           5                                 14 - ILS directions             15 - L,Level C,Climb D,Descent       0,current aircraft              /,current profile          16 - air speed,(*10kts)         17 - flaps,(down)               18 - C flash  = chute streamed       B on     = braking         19 - airbrakes,(in)                                             aa - N1,N2                                                       direction-> 000-28 1 <- mode:               ---         1,on N1  distance-> 000-08 N    2,on N2                         /,off  change mode by K                 28 = N1 no.                     08 = N2 no.                    change no. by: 7/SSHIFT, -1                    8/SSHIFT, +1                    9/SSHIFT,+10   ->        ARMAMENT              2                                 remaining armament and photo no.are indicated on the far right                 see Instrument 07                                  (gun
   1  = bright = ILS available      l = length of runway                                         
   1  1988 by Michael Bauer  FF1
   1  -with or without (1,0)             ferry tanks,see REMARKS                                
   1  -to be selected between          1000ft and 22000ft                                      
   1  -below 8000ft                              (*1000ft)                                 
   1  -N1 number,see AIRFIELDS                                
   1  -1 landing practice             -2 refuelling practice          -3 air-to-air combat            -4 missions                                                
   1  -1 flying training              -2 AA-combat,practice           -3 interception,practice        -4 interception,practice        -5 interception,combat          -6 interception,combat                                  (missions 3,4,5,and 6 at                    stations 27-34 only)                                type and profile of aircraft      depend on the choosen mission:                                        a/c no.->  1  2  3  4           mission-1  /  /  T  T                  -2  F  /  T  T                  -3  H  H  T  T                  -4  B  B  T  T    (high-level)  -5  X  X  E  E     (low-level)  -6  X  X  E  E                                                       see PROFILES        PROFILES              3                                 
   1  -0 none                         -1 with crosswinds,             -2 and systemfailures,          -3 and g-limits,                            see REMARKS                               ->        OPTIONS               2                                 
   1  "$&(+.147:=@CFJNRVZ^bglqv{
   1  "#$&'(*+,.0<HT`lx
   1   AIRFIELDS      N d l position                                 @
   1   !"#$$%&'(()*+,,-./0012345567899:;<=>>?@ABCCDEFGHIIJKLMNOOPQRSTUUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdeefghijklmnopqqrstuvwxyz{|}~
   1         N2 POSITIONS              N2  position    N2  position  >
   1         INDEX                                                     01  REMARKS                     02  INSTRUMENTS                 03  CONTROLS                    04  TAKE-OFF                    05  LANDING                     06  ENGINES                     07  NAVIGATION,MAP              08  REFUELLING                  09  ARMAMENT                    10  OPTIONS                     11  PROFILES                    12  AIRFIELDS                   13  N2 POSITIONS                                              ________________________________                                    Q - cursor,pages                A - cursor,pages                O - jump into file              P - return to index             E - exit                                                            CONTROLS              1                                     
   1          <-O  P->  BREAK 
   1                                              elevator (controls pitch)          U----push                       G----neutral                    N,M--pull                                                    aileron  (controls roll)           F----roll left                  H----roll right                                              rudder   (controls yaw)            W----left                       G----neutral                    I----right                                                       
   1                                                 Q----increase power             Z----decrease power                                            1,2---increase power on one          engine only                A,S---decrease power on one          engine only                                              3;4/CSHIFT--change fueltanks                                    A;S/SSHIFT--engine off                                              
   1                                                 Q----increase power             Z----decrease power                                                                        ->        CONTROLS              2                                    R----undercariagge up/down                                      D----flaps up/down                                              X/V--airbrakes out/in                                         BREAK--brakes                                                     B----stream brake chute,             jettison brake chute    (at speeds below 190kts only,              beware of crosswinds)                                    
   1                                                 1;2/SSHIFT--start engine                                            hold 1;2 until idle rpm                                                                                                             NAVIGATION,MAP        1                                 
   1                                                         O/CSHIFT--nose down             L/CSHIFT--nose up                 (for assymetric enginepower)  9/CSHIFT--left  wing down       0/CSHIFT--right wing down         (for assymetric fuelloads)                                            TAKE-OFF              1                                  1-full flaps                                                    2-hold brakes until full power                                  3-release brakes,reheat                                         4-elevator up,full elevation                                    5-compensate crosswind                             (from 80kts) 6-rotation at 130kts                                            7-elevator neutral at 178kts                                    8-lift-off at 180-185kts                                        9-undercarriage up at 190kts                                   10-flaps up at 220kts                                                                               ad